Minor Oral Surgery (Full) | Dr. Jessica's Recipe

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Dentists | Premium Course


Course Overview



Minor Oral Surgery

8 Lessons

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Minor Oral Surgery (Full) | Dr. Jessica's Recipe

Module 1 : Course Overview and Diagnosis

1 Lesson

Dentists | Premium Course

Module 1 Overview Title: Fundamentals of Minor Oral Surgery In this initial module, participants will be introduced to the critical aspects of minor oral surgery, establishing a robust foundation for the understanding and execution of basic surgical procedures within the dental practice. The module aims to prepare dental professionals by covering essential theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Course Structure: Course Overview (00:00 - 01:15): Begin with an overarching view of what this module will cover, outlining the objectives and what participants will gain upon completion. This section sets the stage for the comprehensive journey into minor oral surgery. Introduction (01:15 - 02:13): Introduce the basics of minor oral surgery, including its significance in dental practice and the fundamental principles that guide surgical procedures. This part aims to ground students in the subject, preparing them for more detailed discussions. Indications (02:13 - 06:56): Dive into the specific indications for minor oral surgery, discussing when these procedures are necessary and what clinical signs to look for. This section helps in identifying scenarios where minor oral surgery is the optimal treatment option. Classifications (06:56 - 11:59): Explore the various classifications of minor oral surgical procedures. This will include a breakdown of different types of surgeries, such as extractions, implant placements, and biopsy techniques, categorized based on complexity, intended outcomes, and anatomical sites. Radiographic Interpretation (11:59 - 13:33): Understand the critical role of radiographic analysis in planning and executing minor oral surgeries. This segment emphasizes interpreting dental radiographs to identify underlying issues, assess surgical risks, and plan effective treatment. Case Studies (13:33 - 21:11): Apply theoretical knowledge to real-life scenarios through detailed case studies. This practical component allows participants to engage with patient histories, radiographs, and treatment plans, enhancing their decision-making and surgical skills. Module Summary (21:11 - End): Wrap up the module with a comprehensive summary that reinforces the key concepts and techniques covered. This conclusion ensures that participants have a solid understanding of the module's content, readying them for more advanced topics in subsequent modules. Learning Outcomes: By the end of this module, participants will: Understand the principles and significance of minor oral surgery. Recognize the indications for various minor oral surgical procedures. Classify different types of minor oral surgeries based on specific criteria. Interpret dental radiographs to aid in surgical planning and execution. Apply knowledge through analysis of case studies, enhancing practical skills. Intended Audience: This module is designed for dental professionals, including general dentists, oral surgery residents, dental students, and dental assistants, looking to enhance their skills and knowledge in minor oral surgery.

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Module 2: Instrumentation, Armamentarium and LA

1 Lesson

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Module 2 Overview Title: The Surgical Procedure Module 2 delves into the core stages of conducting minor oral surgical procedures, offering detailed insights from preparation through to post-operative care. Each part is designed to equip dental professionals with the necessary knowledge and practical tips to ensure patient safety, optimal outcomes, and efficient surgical processes. Course Structure: Module 2.0 Overview (00:00 - 00:46): Provides a brief introduction to what learners can expect throughout Module 2. This section sets the foundation for a deeper understanding of the surgical procedure, highlighting the module's aim to cover the entire process comprehensively. Part 2.1 Preoperative Preparation (00:46 - 07:09): Focuses on the critical steps for preparing patients for minor oral surgery. This includes patient evaluation, informed consent, and preparation of the surgical site. Emphasis is placed on ensuring patient safety and minimizing the risk of complications. Part 2.2 Instrumentation (07:09 - 11:57): Details the instruments essential for minor oral surgery, guiding participants through the selection and use of specific tools for various procedures. This section aims to familiarize learners with the instruments' functions and maintenance, ensuring they are well-prepared for surgery. Part 2.3 Post-Op Instructions (11:57 - 16:15): Covers the vital post-operative care instructions that should be communicated to patients to facilitate a smooth recovery. This includes managing common post-surgical issues, medication advice, and follow-up care. Part 2.4 Medication Management (16:15 - 20:42): Explores the management of medications in the context of minor oral surgery. Key topics include prescribing pain relief, antibiotics, and managing medication-related side effects, ensuring optimal patient comfort and recovery. Module 2.0 Summary (20:42 - End): Concludes the module by summarizing the key points covered, reinforcing the importance of thorough preparation, precise instrumentation, and diligent post-operative care. The summary also encourages reflection on the learned material and its application in clinical practice. Learning Outcomes: By the end of Module 2, participants will: Understand the importance of comprehensive preoperative preparation. Be familiar with the instruments used in minor oral surgery and their proper care. Know how to provide effective post-operative instructions to patients. Manage post-surgical medication effectively to enhance patient recovery. Intended Audience: This module is ideal for dental professionals, including oral surgeons, general dentists, dental students, and surgical assistants, who seek to refine their skills in minor oral surgery and improve their clinical practice.

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Module 3 : The Ultimate Hands On 🔥 Exclusive 🔥

1 Lesson

Dentists | Premium Course

Module 3 Overview Title: Advanced Surgical Techniques Module 3 deepens the exploration into minor oral surgery by focusing on advanced surgical techniques, covering everything from the sequence of operations to the specific procedures for managing impacted teeth. This module combines theoretical knowledge with practical demonstrations to ensure learners are well-prepared for complex cases. Course Structure: Module 3 Introduction (00:00 - 00:39): Sets the stage for advanced surgical techniques, outlining the module's goals and the sophisticated skills participants will develop. This brief introduction emphasizes the importance of precision and expertise in minor oral surgery. Part 3.1 Sequence of Surgical Extraction (00:39 - 02:44): Begins with the step-by-step sequence of surgical extraction, guiding learners through the meticulous planning and execution of surgical procedures. This part focuses on optimizing the surgical workflow for efficiency and safety. Part 3.2 Local Anesthesia Techniques (02:44 - 03:27): Covers the application of local anesthesia, detailing techniques to ensure effective pain management for patients. This section reviews the types of anesthetics used and their administration for different surgical scenarios. Part 3.3 Incision and Flap Design (03:27 - 12:12): Explores the critical aspects of making incisions and designing flaps, which are essential for accessing the surgical site. This part emphasizes the strategic considerations for flap design to minimize tissue damage and enhance healing. Exclusive Incision Techniques (12:12 - 14:21): Delve into exclusive incision techniques tailored for specific surgical situations. This segment introduces unique incision methods that can improve surgical outcomes and patient recovery. Choice of Handpiece and Instruments (14:21 - 15:34): Discusses the selection of handpieces and instruments critical for various surgical procedures. This part focuses on the criteria for choosing the right tools based on the surgical task at hand. Part 3.4 Bone Guttering (15:34 - 17:51): Teaches the technique of bone guttering, a method used to facilitate the removal of teeth or roots by creating a space around them. This section highlights the importance of precision in preserving bone structure. Part 3.5 Crown Resection (17:51 - 24:03): Examines the process of crown resection, useful in cases where a tooth cannot be extracted in one piece. This technique involves segmenting the tooth to simplify extraction and reduce trauma. Vertically Impacted Third Molars (24:03 - 26:38): Focuses on the specific challenges and techniques associated with removing vertically impacted third molars, offering strategies to manage this common but complex surgical procedure. Horizontally Impacted Third Molars (26:38 - 34:50): Addresses the removal of horizontally impacted third molars, detailing the surgical approach and tips for dealing with this difficult orientation of impaction. Checklist Before Closure (34:50 - 35:12): Provides a comprehensive checklist to ensure all necessary steps have been taken before suturing the surgical site, emphasizing patient safety and optimal healing conditions. Part 3.6 Sutures (35:12 - 37:41): Covers suturing techniques, focusing on the types of sutures, suturing patterns, and the considerations for ensuring wound stability and promoting healing. Demo Hands On 1: Vertical Impaction (37:41 - 55:32): Features a hands-on demonstration of a third molar vertical impacted surgical extraction, allowing learners to see the application of the module's concepts in a real-life scenario. Demo Hands On 2: Horizontal Impaction (55:32 - 01:10:14): Presents a practical demonstration of removing an horizontal impacted tooth, further enhancing the learners' understanding of the techniques and strategies discussed throughout the module. Module 3.0 Summary (01:10:14 - End): Concludes with a summary of the key points covered in Module 3, reinforcing the advanced surgical techniques and ensuring participants are well-prepared to apply these skills in their practice. Learning Outcomes: By the end of Module 3, participants will: Master advanced techniques for surgical extractions, including the management of impacted teeth. Understand the selection and application of local anaesthesia for pain management. Be proficient in designing incisions and flaps for optimal surgical access and healing. Acquire hands-on experience through demonstrations of complex extraction procedures. Intended Audience: Designed for dental professionals, including oral surgeons, general dentists, and dental residents, who have a foundational understanding of minor oral surgery and wish to advance their skills in handling more complex surgical cases.

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Module 4 : Dr. Jess' Recipe

1 Lesson

Dentists | Premium Course

Module 4 Overview Title: Complex Extractions and Coronectomy Module 4 advances into more specialized areas of minor oral surgery, focusing on complex extraction techniques and the procedure of coronectomy. This module is designed to enhance surgical skills in handling challenging cases, with a special emphasis on preserving patient health and minimizing risks. Course Structure: Module 4.0 Introduction (00:00 - 01:25): Begins with an overview of the module's objectives, introducing complex extractions and the concept of coronectomy. It sets the stage for detailed exploration of techniques that address difficult surgical scenarios. 4.1 Ineffective Methods (01:25 - 07:25): Discusses common ineffective methods in oral surgery, highlighting why certain practices are discouraged. This section aims to refine surgical techniques by learning from less optimal approaches. Technique 1: Anesthesia (07:25 - 10:31): Details the application of anesthesia in complex oral surgery scenarios. This technique focuses on ensuring patient comfort and pain management, highlighting the importance of selecting the appropriate type and amount of anesthesia. Technique 2: Incision Placement (10:31 - 12:07): Covers the strategic placement of incisions to facilitate access to the surgical site. This technique is critical for minimizing tissue trauma and ensuring a smooth surgical procedure and recovery. Technique 3: Unconventional Flap Closure (12:07 - 13:27): Explores innovative methods for flap closure that deviate from traditional techniques. This approach is aimed at improving healing outcomes and reducing post-operative complications. Technique 4: Flapless Removal (13:27 - 15:29): Focuses on the flapless technique for tooth removal, which avoids the creation of a flap and aims to reduce surgical trauma and speed up the healing process. This technique is particularly useful in certain extractions where conventional flap methods are not ideal. Coronectomy vs. Total Removal (15:29 - 17:20): Compares the advantages and considerations of performing a coronectomy versus total tooth removal, particularly in situations where the latter poses significant risks to adjacent critical structures, such as nerves. Coronectomy (20:44 - 22:19): Delivers an in-depth look at the coronectomy procedure, including its indications, technique, and expected outcomes. This part is vital for understanding how to preserve dental roots in proximity to critical anatomical structures. Follow up Protocol (22:19 - 23:03): Outlines the post-operative care and follow-up protocol after a coronectomy. This includes monitoring healing, managing complications, and ensuring patient comfort and recovery. Module 4.0 Summary (23:03 - End): Concludes the module with a summary of key techniques and considerations for complex extractions and coronectomy. It reinforces the importance of these advanced procedures in minor oral surgery. Learning Outcomes: By the end of Module 4, participants will: Recognize and avoid ineffective surgical methods. Master specific techniques for handling complex extractions, enhancing surgical efficiency and outcomes. Understand the principles and practice of coronectomy, including when and how to perform it safely. Be knowledgeable about the follow-up care required after complex procedures to ensure patient recovery and well-being. Intended Audience: This module is tailored for oral surgeons, general dentists with an interest in surgery, dental residents, and dental students seeking to expand their expertise in minor oral surgery, particularly in performing complex extractions and coronectomy.

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Module 5 Mastering xla for lower wisdom teeth

1 Lesson

Dentists | Premium Course

Module 5 Overview Title: Managing Complications in Minor Oral Surgery Module 5 shifts focus to a crucial aspect of minor oral surgery: managing complications. This module is meticulously designed to prepare dental professionals for identifying, preventing, and managing the potential complications that can arise during or after surgical procedures. It emphasizes the importance of patient communication and the post-operative care necessary for optimal recovery and patient satisfaction. Course Structure: Module 5.0 Introduction (00:00 - 00:27): Opens with an overview of the module, setting the stage for an in-depth discussion on complications related to minor oral surgery. The introduction underscores the significance of this module in enhancing patient care and outcomes. Part 5.1 Complications (00:27 - 02:03): Details common complications encountered in minor oral surgery, including infection, bleeding, and nerve injury. This section aims to equip practitioners with the knowledge to anticipate and recognize early signs of complications. Part 5.2 Post-Op Instructions (02:03 - 03:03): Covers comprehensive post-operative instructions to be given to patients. This includes guidance on managing pain, preventing infection, and the importance of follow-up visits, all aimed at minimizing complications and promoting healing. Part 5.3 Case Discussion (03:03 - 07:23): Engages learners with real-life case studies that illustrate complications and their management. This interactive approach helps in applying theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios, enhancing learning and preparedness. Part 5.4 Management of Complications (07:23 - 11:28): Provides detailed strategies for managing various complications, including both immediate and long-term approaches. This section emphasizes surgical and non-surgical interventions that can mitigate adverse outcomes. Part 5.5 How to Refer (11:28 - 14:57): Focuses on recovery strategies post-complication, ensuring that patients return to optimal oral health. This part discusses rehabilitation and the psychological aspect of recovery, ensuring patient confidence is restored. Referrals, and referral letter, the proper way. Inform Patient (14:57 - 16:26): Highlights the importance of patient education on the potential risks and complications of surgery. This segment teaches how to communicate effectively with patients, setting realistic expectations and building trust. Module 5.0 Summary (16:26 - End): Concludes the module by summarizing the key points covered, reinforcing the critical role of managing complications in minor oral surgery. The summary encourages reflection on the module's content and its importance in clinical practice. Learning Outcomes: By the end of Module 5, participants will: Be able to identify common complications associated with minor oral surgery. Understand and be able to provide comprehensive post-operative care instructions. Have insights into real-life cases of complications and their management. Know how to manage complications effectively, ensuring patient safety and recovery. Communicate effectively with patients about potential risks and manage their expectations. Intended Audience: This module is intended for dental professionals, including oral surgeons, general dentists, dental residents, and dental students, who are looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in managing complications associated with minor oral surgery.

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Module 6 : Questions and Answers of MOS

1 Lesson

Dentists | Premium Course

In this module, we have compiled 6 frequently asked questions that are common and practical in our daily life as a dental practitioner. You may find the answers by watching it in the video. Check out the timeline where we make it easy for you to find questions inside the video! Do Whatsapp us at +6010 2828359 or email [email protected] for support.

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Live Surgery On Real Patient by Dr. Jessica

2 Lessons

Dentists | Premium Course

Surgical removal of horizontal 48 / Odontectomy 48 In this live surgical module, participants will observe the odontectomy procedure for impacted mandibular third molars, specifically teeth 48. The session aims to demonstrate real-time surgical techniques. Viewers will gain insights into handling complex cases and learn practical skills applicable to dental surgery practices. This module is essential for dental students and professionals looking to enhance their surgical competencies in oral and maxillofacial procedures. Disclaimer : We want to make you aware that while the our live stream is recorded in 4K, there are segments that were unable to be recorded at this resolution due to specific technical constraints. We strive to provide the best possible viewing experience and are continuously working on improving our live surgery. We appreciate your understanding and patience with this matter. Rest assured we are working to enhance all aspects of our streaming quality. Your experience and satisfaction are very important to us, so if you have any feedback or encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to let us know at [email protected].

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Dentists | Premium Course

Surgical removal of horizontal 38 / Odontectomy 38 In this live surgical module, participants will observe the odontectomy procedure for impacted mandibular third molars, specifically teeth 38. The session aims to demonstrate real-time surgical techniques. Viewers will gain insights into handling complex cases and learn practical skills applicable to dental surgery practices. This module is essential for dental students and professionals looking to enhance their surgical competencies in oral and maxillofacial procedures. Disclaimer : We want to make you aware that while the our live stream is recorded in 4K, there are segments that were unable to be recorded at this resolution due to specific technical constraints. We strive to provide the best possible viewing experience and are continuously working on improving our live surgery. We appreciate your understanding and patience with this matter. Rest assured we are working to enhance all aspects of our streaming quality. Your experience and satisfaction are very important to us, so if you have any feedback or encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to let us know at [email protected].

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This comprehensive online module is designed for dental professionals looking to enhance their expertise in the surgical removal of wisdom teeth. The course provides an in-depth exploration of all aspects of wisdom tooth extraction, including anatomy, diagnosis, surgical techniques, post-operative care, and the management of potential complications.

✅ *6 Modules* ✅
Including 1 QNA session
👉🏻 Introduction

👉🏻 Module 1 - Indication, Classification, Case selection, Level of difficulty

👉🏻 Module 2 - Pre-op patient preparation, Armamentarium, Post-op care, Medications (for private practice)

👉🏻 Module 3 - Comprehensive surgical hands on and techniques, step-by-step sequence, LA, incision placement and surgery, Model Demonstration for entire surgical procedure, flap and sutures

👉🏻 Module 4 - *EXCLUSIVE*
Tips and Techniques of Minor Oral Surgery
(Dr Jessica’s Recipe)
Technique 1 : On Anaesthesia
Technique 2 : Incision Placement
Technique 3 : Unconventional Flap Closure
Technique 4 : Flapless Removal

👉🏻 Module 5 - Complications and What to do when complication arises, management of iatrogenic issues.

👉🏻Module 6 - *BONUS*
👉🏻 QNA session 6 case based common scenarios

After learning this course, you are expected to be confident enough and able to start removing impacted third molar for your own patients. We also provide consultation and one to one guidance if you need further assistance for you surgical skills after watching our full course. All you need is to email us at [email protected] or Whatsapp at +601028283598 (MY)

Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical insights, participants will gain a thorough understanding of when and how to perform wisdom tooth extractions safely and effectively. The module includes step-by-step video demonstrations, interactive case studies, and up-to-date research findings to ensure a well-rounded learning experience.

Key topics covered in this course include patient assessment, anesthesia options, surgical tools and techniques, infection control, and strategies for minimizing patient discomfort and recovery time. Whether you are a newly qualified dentist or an experienced oral surgeon, this course will equip you with the skills and confidence to manage even the most challenging wisdom tooth removal cases.

Join us to elevate your dental practice and provide your patients with the highest standard of care in wisdom tooth surgery.


About your Instructor

Jessica Sam

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon | SpeakerBDS Mahsa University, MalaysiaDClinDent OMFS (Doctor of Clinical Dentistry in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery), Universiti Kebangsaan MalaysiaMFDS (Edinburgh, UK)
